Sunday, June 10, 2012

Macie's Prayer

...Please bless Carver that his ear infection will go away. Please bless Riley that her thumb will heal.  Please bless Charlotte that her skin won't be ouchie, and please bless Mom that her zit lotion will make her zits go away...


Kylie said...

Next time if she wants to pray for my zits to go away too I'd appreciate it.

Emily said...

and me!!That is hilarous! I love prayers from kids! They are the best. I miss you girly! Cant wait to see you in July!! love ya

Pat said...

Grandma loves Macie!

Amy J said...

I'd like to submit a request to have her pray for her Aunt Amy's extra pounds and cellulite! :D That girl is cuuuuuute! ;) Love you guys!

Buffy said...

She is so thoughtful :)