Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This is Kentucky

I've been thinking about Kentucky a lot lately. 
Maybe because we came really close to leaving.  REALLY close.  Todd got a job offer in Colorado that was incredibly good.  But for some reason that defies all logic, it just didn't feel right.  I still have days where I second guess the whole thing, but I try not to dwell on it and just go forward appreciating all Kentucky has to offer.  Like barns, catfish and lots of signs about Jesus.


I still struggle with church.  I get really frustrated with nursery and primary.  Or, better said, the lack of nursery and primary. 
We actually had a new family from Utah move into our neighborhood and branch last week.  I've tried to appear normal and chill, but I am overly excited.  They have four kids. FOUR kids!!  That doubles the size of primary! They are pretty awesome and it will be great for us (me) to have them here.  Just a little moral support - that's all I need. 
So, here's to going forward in Kentucky...I think. 


Pat said...

I don' know why either, but I think you made the right choice.

Jared said...

I notice how green it looks. The Jesus references everywhere don't seem that strange to me. We must have ~15 local broadcast TV channel dedicated to religious themes.