Riley tried out and sang with the Kentucky Youth Chorale, which is kind of a big deal. They performed with the Owensboro Symphony Orchestra and Laurie Gayle Stephensen, who is a Tony Award winning Broadway artist, and it was amazingly beautiful. Riley loves to sing, and this is quite the talented bunch of kids with some very knowledgeable, professional teachers. It was an incredible experience. Unfortunately she was only able to participate in the first semester since basketball started in January and the weekly rehearsal was on the same night as all her D-league games. It was a total bummer for her. I felt so horrible.
When she signed up we knew things would get complicated come basketball season and that she would likely have to make a choice...I just don't think she realized how difficult the choice would be. And just so you know, I had absolutely no influence on her decision. I knew how much she loved choir, but I also knew she really wanted to play basketball, so I left it up to her. There may have been a little unspoken pressure since Todd had already signed up to be the coach of her team, but we won't dwell on that.
(I've uploaded videos here of Riley's choir and Charlotte's program, but they only seem to work when using Google, go there :))
Charlotte was an all-star at her preschool Christmas program. Each of the kids in her class was assigned a country and said "Merry Christmas" in his or her given language. There was a lot of incomprehensible mumbling until they got to Charlotte and she confidently said, "Germany! Froehliche Weihnachten!"
And, since this post is months overdue, I have to include Riley and Macie's report cards. Macie improved her reading and math scores by crazy amounts! Macie loves to read and play teacher. She doesn't even let me help her with homework. She has a little classroom set up and she pretends she is the teacher presenting the homework material to her class. She goes over every step and detail with them, explaining how to do it and talking through difficult points. I figure it must really be helping her comprehension - not only does she do the work, but she teaches it as well!
Riley also did excellent and achieved her goal of all A's. Riley is a perfectionist, but also a procrastinator. Interesting combination. I feel like I have to nag and nag to get her started on her homework and reading, but once she starts she is usually fine. Studying for tests in interesting. She has some idea that she can't study by herself, so she spends hours demanding that I study with her and quiz her. I've explained over and over that
she needs to study and
then I will quiz her, but she's not buying it. On average, I would say she spends an hour complaining to every fifteen minutes of actual study time. She does, however, sometimes set her alarm clock early and study for ten or fifteen minutes in the morning if she is nervous, which I think shows a lot of discipline for a nine-year-old.
Charlotte is in her last year of preschool. Normally she would be placed in the four-year-old class, but her "principal" called before the year started and asked if it would be ok to put her in the pre-K class which is for the kids who are older, more advanced, and usually in their third year of preschool. (Mostly because they only had four other kids sign up and needed to even things out, but also because he said Charlotte was at the top of her class the year before :))
There are only five kids in the class and she has learned SO much. She is already reading and I couldn't be prouder of her!
And, Carver is potty trained! One morning we were watching Daniel Tiger and the episode was all about going on the potty. Thirty minutes of Daniel Tiger and his friends on the potty. "STOP what you are doing and go potty fast"...I can still hear the song. Well, I saw the opportunity and went with it. Amazingly, Carv had complete bladder control on day one. I kid you not. In the first two days he had two accidents and that was it. Number two was another story. It would completely catch him off guard. So much so, that it was pretty cute. All of a sudden he would say, "Potty! Potty!" and take off running, but he was always about ten seconds too late.
On day two I was giving Macie and bath. I was sitting on the toilet (you know, to wash Macie's hair and stuff) and Carv was playing on the floor in the bathroom. All of a sudden he looked up, his eyes got big, and he said, "oh boy," real concerned like. I whisked him up and had him on the potty in seconds. In my haste, his load fell on the floor as I ripped his underwear off.
In frustration I explained that he has to get on the potty FIRST. The poos have to go in the potty, not in your pants or on the floor!
"I know Mom. I sowwy," he said as he looked down and hung his head.
How can you be angry with that?! Dang kid is too cute.
The next day we were at a friend's house and we ran to the potty. Once again, load in his pants. (Thank goodness for solid movements this week. I really lucked out. TMI? Oh well.)
Carv sat on the potty and demanded, "Put it in the potty, Mom!"
I did, and he exclaimed, "I DID IT! Poo's in the potty! I DID IT!"
Seriously. Too funny. Explanation of how the poo had to be deposited in the potty by him, not by me followed, but once again, all I could do was smile.
He had three "accidents", but has gone on the potty ever since. Even wakes up dry from bed.
So really, gloating and story telling over, I just wanted to record how incredibly awesome my kids are. I know I complain a lot about all the arguing, whining and back talk, but they are great kids. Their teachers and friends love them and praise them for their kind, pleasant behavior.
I am a lucky mom.