Saturday, April 9, 2011


Not so sure I am ready to cut the apron strings and go out on my own. I mean, I have been posting to Dalemart for years! For five years, to be exact. Before it was cool to blog. Before most people even knew what a blog was.
And, I am too busy reading other people's blogs to have time to write my own.
But now I have finally grown up.
It took more than getting married. Or buying a house. Or having a baby. Or another baby. Or another one. Or even one more.
It took moving.
To Kentucky.
Now I am grown up. 
So, here's to the beginning of a new era...Idaho Val, cause, you know, you can take the girl out of Idaho, but you can't take the Idaho out of the girl...which may or may not be a good thing.
I considered naming my blog something new and fancy to go with our Kentucky lifestyle, because if there is one word to describe Owensboro, Kentucky, it is definitely fancy. I came really close to going with "My Kentucky Home", but then I read the original lyrics and they were actually quite horrible. Who knew? Anyway, here is a picture of our Kentucky home, because what is a blog post without a picture? Nothing, I tell you. And since our camera is dead, I had to dig into the files. A lovely picture from six months ago.

1 comment:

Automobile Birdsinger said...

YOU HAVE A BLOG!!! I am sooo excited!!!