Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Keith and Jamie!!

A couple of months ago we decided we needed us some Keith in Kentucky, so we convinced Keith and Jamie to make the trek.  We didn't, however, tell the girls they were coming.  Most of all because it we did, I would have to hear the moaning and complaining about how they weren't here yet. I had Keith's entrance planned to be pretty dramatic and exciting, but we didn't get back from the airport until well after their bedtime so he surprised them when they woke up.  To say they were excited would be an understatement.  
Keith had lunch with them at school, joined us for the piercing of Riley's ears, and endured hours and hours of Macie's cuddling and general mauling from all of them. 

For some reason they convinced Carver it was more fun if he covered his eyes...

Almost forgot the best part!
 When Keith was at lunch with Macie, her little friend ask him, "Are you a rapper?"
If you know Keith at all, you know this is hilarious.  He exudes awesomeness.  It was like this girl could sense he must be a rapper!  I still laugh about it.


Pat said...

So glad they could visit, looks like fun times.

Red Head Family said...

Looks like a lot of fun-would love to pull off something like that-I can't keep a secret! Happy Birthday Riley-love the earrings!

Buffy said...

So Cute! How fun to have such a fun, cool uncle that goes to school and eats lunch with them. :)

Amy J said...

It is hard to compete with all that awesomeness! Not sure what I would have to do to get asked if I am a rapper, but I'm workin' on it! ;)